Mads Moeskjær


1. august 2014

The Project / What is it?

Utility app helping to split expenses between friends e.g. after events,where several people have paid for shared expenses.

State: App Store Logo




The Idea / What got me started?

I got the idea for this app after a party with my friends. Some bought wine and beer while others paid for food or didn’t pay for anything. After dinner I was in charge of splitting up the expenses. I realized that there where no easy way to do this..!

With that evening in mind I started developing PayMate from the following conditions:

  • Must be easy and fast to use (you don’t want to spend your time doing math while with your friends)
  • Make them smile (the app might make it easier to split the expenses but it still sucks to do it – so try to make it a little fun!)


The Skills / What ‘tools’ did I use?

User testing