Mads Moeskjær


15. juni 2013

The Project / What is it?

2-player co-op computer game, where players interact in different ways. The goal was to strenghten the cooperation between the players by giving them different roles and possibilities in the game.
Hack-it was developed in the course 3D Interaction, and was graded A.

State: Functional prototype.



The Setting / What’s going on?

A mafia boss has stolen a huge diamond which the players must steal back. The one player is an agent in a 3D world that is controlled with keybord, mouse and monitor. The other player is a hacker interacting with an interactive table, where he has an overview of the buildings, guards and information of the tasks. Communication is vital to get to the diamond. The hacker is in charge of guiding the agent past the guards, distracting the guards by manipulating the street lights and finally getting the agent safely through a laser field. The agent needs stealth to complete the tasks given by the hacker.


The Project / How did we get there?

Ideation – Development


The Skills / What ‘tools’ did I use?

3D Studio Max
Interactive Table
Bullseye (TUIO-Client)